5 of the Best Co-Operative Games for Nintendo Switch

Ade M. Campbell
3 min readJan 7, 2020

The Switch’s awesome Joy-Con controllers can be turned sideways for shared co-operative adventure gameplay, or competitive play if you prefer, as and when. (However, they’re not the most comfortable for extended play-time, so it’s probably worth investing in an extra, joypad / controller, especially if there are siblings involved.) But, of course you need some great games that bring out the best of the Switch for these times.

It’s always a nice surprise when you realise a great single-player game has the co-op feature, making the adventure more social and allowing for some team-work. However, there are some games explicitly designed for hours of 2-player fun. Let’s take a look at 5 of the best titles now available…..

Luigi’s Mansion 3

This Ghostbusters- meets-Super Mario, is a highly adventurous game already featuring some shared co-op mini-games to enjoy. In terms of the main game, a fter a while, you get to unlock Goo-igi, a ghostly, goo-drenched form of Luigi but with all the same tools and ghost-busting apparatus. From then on…



Ade M. Campbell

Writer, artist, permaculture explorer of new tech, generative AI, VR, web3, NFTs: Ade’s Press